Brincando com as nuvens

Com tempo disponível, criatividade e uma câmera a ousadia e alegria está concretizada! :) 

People Playing With Clouds-33 (1)
c People Playing With Clouds-5People Playing With Clouds-12
People Playing With Clouds-15People Playing With Clouds-16People Playing With Clouds-17People Playing With Clouds-24People Playing With Clouds-27People Playing With Clouds-31People Playing With Clouds-35People Playing With Clouds-36People Playing With Clouds42People Playing With Clouds-49People Playing With Clouds-103People Playing With Clouds-105 Vi no(quemequemanda)

Sobre o Autor:
R F C P Quem sou eu? Que pergunta, cara. Sou o mentor, editor e diretor do Cara que Loucura (grande coisa). Meu objetivo é dominar o mundo e trazer tudo o que a internet tem de melhor, e de pior também.

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